From Media Transfer
Devotional given by Robert R. Steuer on October 25th, 2011. Titled "Reconciliation and the Temple" -
From Media Transfer
Devotional given by Kim B. Clark on January 11th, 2011. Titled "Faith Like a Grain of Mustard Seed" -
From Media Transfer
Devotional by Lynn A. Mickelsen on February 8th, 2011 titled:"Decisiveness in the Face of Uncertainty" -
From Media Transfer
Devotional by Edwin A. Sexton on April 26th, 2011 titled:"A Spirit Hath Not Flesh and Bones, as Ye See Me Have" -
From Media Transfer
Devotional by Terry W. Call on February 1st, 2011 titled:"Conversion: Key to Happiness" -
From Media Transfer
Devotional by Claudio D. Zivic on November 15th, 2011 titled:"Perseverance, the Key to Success" -
From Media Transfer
Devotional by Stephen B. Oveson on February 22nd, 2011 titled:"Living the Complete Gospel of Jesus Christ" -
From Media Transfer
Devotional by Chad Webb on May 24, 2011 titled:"In the World but not of the World" -
From Media Transfer
Devotional by Roy Huff on December 6th, 2011 titled:"Yea, All Things Denote There is a God" -
From Media Transfer
Devotional by Ronald A. Rasband on January 25th, 2011 titled:"Well Done, Thou Good and Faithful Servant" -
From Media Transfer
Devotional by Shayne M. Bowen on March 1st, 2011 titled:"Out of the Wilderness into the Light"